Sunday, August 19, 2012

Room Crashers...Davis Style

The last 48 hours have been exhausting to say the least. But - I DID IT! Started and completed one full project, added in a side project along the way and planned for one more addition to this project in the next few weeks. At this time I'm too tired to commentate this one so I'll let the pictures do the talking.



So - this would be about the point I thought I'd be done but no...I just couldn't live with the weird corner. Because of the extra height with the side rails, extra length of the box springs AND  short mattress the little 'bed side table' looked a bit 'dinky' for my corner. I had extra fabric, some old cushions off of a couch that fell apart years ago - leftover lumber from yesterday hmmmm....ottoman anyone???

And here is where I'm calling it - we'll be doing some art shifting in the room, adding in a mini chandelier, painting a dresser and changing the facades on the ugly bi-fold closet doors in the coming weeks. I'll be sure to post photos as things progress.

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