Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hello....remember me?

Yes, I've been MIA for WAY longer than I all starts with a lost password and a recovery e-mail address that no longer exists and long story short I'M BACK!

So diving right in I'll just start with the fact that Pinterest is a procrastinators WORST nightmare. My list of projects is piling up quicker than my paychecks are clearing the bank! My next couple of  posts will include the COMPLETE upheaval of my dining room (remember it from last years blog?)...which is now lovingly referred to as the 'Dining Office', pictures of the new built in bookshelves  in our family room, pictures of the holes in my children's closets (with the ambition to turn them into secret reading alcoves), some 'creatively borrowed' crates turned into inventive wall storage, AND the project on the brink of stardom..turning the former baby nursery into a guest bedroom/mini gym. Oh the projects haven't stopped....nor have any of them been completely 'finished' BUT there is great ambition still. I WILL complete these projects just as long as I can stay off of Pinterest long enough to focus my energies.

Just a quick post to let those of you who have asked recently 'Where have you been' I am with bigger and better projects on the horizon. Stay tuned for the next installment.

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