Sunday, May 29, 2011

Taming of the beast

After coming to the realization that my vision for the former dining room just wasn't happening and that the behemoth would unfortunately never see the protective shelter under roof in a temperature controlled environment I had to change directions. My car has been living outside in all of Mother Natures fury lately and it has made for quite a few dangerous nights under those old towering sweet gum and oak trees. Alas I came to grips with the fact that the beast would never leave the garage.. The problem is our garage, not unlike so many other families in America, is overcome with most things that do not belong in a garage.  No longer are there paths to the door since they are so cluttered with bikes. toys, trash, tools, lawn equipment, furniture treasures, paint, office equipment, files and all the other random finds that never make their way back to their appropriate home and/or their appropriate home is already too overburdened to take on another ounce of junk.

Interrogator Pride

Let the cleaning commence! As with all great projects around my home this one began with someone making the floor a public restroom. It has almost become like a right of passage for any cleaning project. Last weekend it was the 'Swiper' pee on my new bookshelves as they were being assembled. Not to be outdone, the Interrogator wanted to make sure she made her mark as well.   

Hubby performing his
civic duty (or doody if you ask the kids)

In our meager attempts to 'potty train' around here the Interrogator spends her weekends diaperless and/or in big girl panties. This day began like most with a double layer of Tinkerbell big girl panties and the threat to not 'tee-tee on Tinkerbell because she would be very upset'. And as typical it only took about 30 minutes before Tinkerbell was completely soaked which resulted in a 2 year old running around commando....thus the poop on the floor. Now....I know...this is not appropriate posting detail but she finds it humorous to see herself in pictures and I'm hoping (in my own twisted way) to find a means to use this one day when the appropriate situation calls for an all out embarrassment. Don't criticize...those of you with kids know exactly where I'm coming from!

The beast was finally lowered from the car jack down and feeling strong, hubby and I began the push....IT BUDGED!!! With a few twists and turns and pushes and grunts we got her into place and you know what...I just figured out why my focus has not been on this thing for a while. I think a higher power was moving me around to other areas in my life so I would eventually give up and allow the beast to stay just where it came to reside back in March. I think this is where it was meant to be all along. It is now situated between the parking area and the pathway to the door making a hallway of sorts. It allows storage on both sides - exterior side for those true garage related items. The interior side for those things usually dropped just inside the door; shoes, school papers, uniforms, hats/gloves, dog supplies.....I'm pleased, hubby is pleased and the kids just think its cool that all of their junk is in one place (for now)... This was an all day project that we will now begin day 2 of. Day 2 will be the balance of the organization so both cars can once again peacefully reside back in their respective sides of the garage. How sad is it that something so simple makes me so happy?

Those bookshelves from last posting....well, they're still there with no molding. Guess what (as if this will surprise anyone....) my molding idea ain't gonna work due to all of the existing molding already in the nook. They are extremely functional and necessary storage at this point so can I mask the chaos it they aren't going to give the appearance of a permanent fixture in the room? AHA!!!

Inspiration for covering the clutter
Sliding barn style door. They do make the hardware where it can be attached to the ceiling ....hmmmm....I feel another project coming one. This time, I think I'll study up and take some measurements and talk to a few experts before I go drilling into the walls again. I have always loved the idea of pocket doors but installation to an existing wall takes a construction expert from what I've been told. So...I'm not there just yet and I think this option gives me just what I, a nice punch of a bright color in there will be just lovely.
 I promise I do live in the world of organized chaos. My problem is one inspired moment drives multiple inspired moments and before you know it I've got more ideas than days and tools and help to get them done. I've decided that procrastination isn't necessarily avoidance, it just may be a higher level of intelligence for those of us who seek to conquer things more fulfilling in an instant. That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

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