Wednesday, April 20, 2011

If the shoe fits...

Today I hit the wall of irony in all its guts and glory. I was granted an unplanned, unexpected and unpaid day off from work today. I can't say I was saddened by this but more elated at the opportunity to have a day to myself alone with my projects. I had visions of painted furniture, dusted baseboards and weeded flower beds dancing through my head from the moment I was given this gift. Yes, I am trying to put a positive spin on what was otherwise a miserable run in with the great depression our economy is in the midst of. Oh well...remember, making grape juice out of lemons...

I bound out of bed today ready to start a list longer than there are hours in the day. Top-o-the-list was going to be the grand finish of the behemoth who is still making it's presence known on my side of the garage. Last we left it I set the goal to get it primed and ready to paint. Since that time it is approximately 80% of the way primed only because my hand cramped up in such a miserable crippled position I couldn't hold the brush any longer. For the past two weeks I've had great intentions of getting back to it but every time I'd pass by the beast I swore it was getting bigger. Today when we came face to face with one another I realized it wasn't my mind playing tricks on me ...the beast was getting bigger, just not in the traditional sense. Question: How many of you have a treadmill in your home? And how many of you have found the treadmill of great use as a storage fixture rather than a piece of exercise equipment? I submit to the jury Exhibits A & B:

Exhibit B

Exhibit A

Do you see anything that looks out of place? This not a trick question - there are boxes piled all on one side and junk strewn all over the top. No time or patience to tackle it at the moment so I'm going to go out to clear my head. These days the best place I can find to clear my head is the hardware store. This time I opted for Home Depot (still giving the Lowe's folks more time to forget the last show our family put on). Trip tally:
3 Cans of spray on primer
6 Cans of flat black spray paint
1 spray paint can trigger to prevent finger cramps
2 face masks to prevent inhaling too many fumes
1 circular saw....again, no this is not for my husband. I'd always wanted one and borrowed one enough times that the time had come to get my own...what the heck right? WHOHOOO, power tools make me feel powerful!!! Figured I'm just gearing up for my next home improvement project...just wait, you won't believe me when I tell you about that one!!! It involves making large holes in walls where there aren't any at present.
Back home (only because the Habitat Restore, The Mall and Home Goods weren't open yet) and back face to face with the beast. Still not motivated to clear all the crap out of it so I can get back to painting... Hmm, on my trip up the driveway it occurred to me that our lawn could use a good mow. Quick call to hubby, cliff notes on starting up the riding mower and I'm in business....well, was in business for a while until one of the biggest logs in our yard (covered by a mass of grass camouflaging it) decided to make its presence known. Do you know that if you try and mow over a log with a riding mower the darned thing will just stop dead in it's tracks and shut right off? Well I sure didn't, just thought those big tires would roll right over the 'big stick'. Mower off and back in neutral I hop off to take stock of the damage. Log appears to be the width of the mower and about 4" in diameter and  wedged firmly under mower somewhere between the body and the blade. Thank goodness for great neighbors as I was just about to try and roll the  thing back into the garage and plead ignorance when hubby needed to use it next. 20 minutes later log is dislodged and I've lost motivation to finish the lawn and decided the time has come to attack the overgrown weeds and monkey grass with the weed eater.

The weed eater is not the friendliest of lawn machines. I think I ripped my shoulder out of socket trying to get the thing started. Finally gave up, called hubby for another round of cliff notes and with a few more yanks of the cord we have start up SUCCESS! I'm off to attack everything in my path..obliterating the monkey grass (you can't kill the stuff), eating the weeds down to the dirt (good idea to wear long pants and safety goggles for this kind of action) and attempting to eat down some rogue trees that have appeared out of no where in my Iris and Gladiola beds. Weeds, rocks, dirt and sticks flying everywhere...I'm in the middle of a blur of nature when the weed eater just gives out. Did you know that trying to take out trees with a weed eater will eat your weed eater line up to nothing? Take it apart, pull some line out, put it back together and try to start up where I left off...25 pulls later and the darned thing won't start back up!!! Done with this thing!!!

Back to the garage, the beast staring me down at this point I decide I'm still not ready. Spend the next 3 hours organizing the tools, screws, nails and outdoor toys.  Start a grand pile for Goodwill, recycle and the dump. Crank up the shop vac to do one of my favorite activities (vacuuming) and before you know is 5 o'clock and hubby will be home with kids any moment now.

I did accomplish a lot today...the irony of those accomplishments are that none have anything to do with my main objective for the day. Finish the behemoth. I managed to spend almost 12 hours in the presence of the beast never giving it more than a glance and the cold shoulder. Avoidance Procrastination in it's rawest form. Friday - Friday is D-Day for the beast. I have all the tools and will have extra hands (everyone is off work/out of school) so I have no more excuses. The darned thing has started haunting me in my sleep so something has to be done. I'm figuring this procrastination thing likely has a 12 step program I need to look into. Admitting you have a problem has to be step one right? I am a PROCRASTINATOR. That shoe fits and I appear to still be wearing it.

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