Thursday, April 21, 2011


No updates today, no new projects today, no lofty aspirations of grand decor or major construction alterations around the house...nope, today is a day of reflection. Reflection on the place I've spent the better part of the last 12 years of my life. The place I knew before I knew my husband, my children, the perils of home ownership...The place I made life long friendships that I'm grateful for everyday. The place where I always felt inspired to do great things amongst great people. The place where I actually felt I could make a difference. The place I called my home away from home.

There aren't many people in this lifetime who are fortunate enough to find passion for their work and who can honestly say they love what they do. I'm still not sure if it was the actual job or the people I loved more but know the friendships will outlast any career I may move onto in the future. I've been fortunate to have spent the last 12 years of my life being surrounded by inspiring people from all walks of life and it all started with a random interview set up for me by an employment interview I wasn't very excited about at a company, that from the outside, looked like something out of a bad 70's horror film where monsters come and attack from dark gloomy corners of a worn down warehouse. An interview I begrudgingly went to only because my mom was in town and she thought it would be a good idea. Today,12 years later, many mergers and acquisitions later and I listened as we were told the doors will close for good. The fat lady had been warming up her voice for a while now and today she finally sang her swan song. The past 2 years has been such a struggle but one from which I have grown professionally, emotionally and personally. I have no regrets other than the fact that I didn't have the foresight to have banked all of my money so I could swoop in and start my own company with the talented people I've worked along side for so long now. Any takers out there looking to make an investment in a minority/woman owned company???

I'm one of the lucky ones. I have my family and friends to fall back on and even a few industry insiders checking in to see what my plans for the future are. The future is bright my friends and I'm open to the world of possibilities in front of me. Where the doors at Russ Berrie may have closed, the doors to the rest of my life just opened and WOW is it bright outside!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your company, but we are positive you will find someplace else to make your second home in no time! Good Luck!
