Sunday, May 1, 2011

What the heck just happened???

It's been a week away from my thoughts...not just via my blog, via my life. The last week is a bit of a blur that hasn't really become clear just yet. A long drive to the airport for a cancelled flight that led to a long drive back home and a long drive back to the airport the following morning... a flight to Alabama and from Georgia in 24 hours...and another long drive home and here I am. Gainfully employed again I think... computers, phones, missed appointments, drives all over town to find a FedEx hub, forgotten trips to the grocery...I think I left my brain somewhere around here!

Still a mom, still a wife and still a project list a mile long....well, some things will always remain constant and it is that for which I am most grateful for. As I embarked on a new career working from home I have glorious thoughts of a clean house, laundry done and put away all in the same day, a nice hot meal to greet my family each evening and check marks down the long list of things to get done around the house...

Now, at the time our doors closed at my former place of employment, we packed our personal belongings and headed home. What I found is that over the course of 12 years I had become a bit of a pack rat in my office dwelling as well as my home life. The boxes that made their way home (via 2 car loads, 2 SUV loads and a flat bed truck load) overwhelmed the balance of the garage. The boxes of books, pictures, random samples, art, note books, pens/pencils, odds and ends were enough to fill in my significant others side of the garage making for sweet revenge from the placement of the behemoth from prior blogs (still there by the way...). I just learned the quickest way to get something done is to block hubby from getting his car in the garage because those boxes were all unloaded and spread about the interior of our home in no time.

Remember that beautiful clean slate of a dining room just a few brief blogs has now become the mess of a space that is soon to be my new home office/dining room. It needs a lot of work but I'm taking a relaxed approach this go round. Right now it is functional (not pretty) and actually a nice place away from the other living spaces in the house where I'm so easily distracted. it does need a little lot of work but hey, now that I'm home working I can actually take some time to make it that special place I want to spend most of my day in. Still on a mission to get those Billy Bookcases from Ikea and now I really need them more than ever. I feel a swell of ambition coming on....

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