Saturday, May 21, 2011

Home Sweet Home

After another hiatus from the blog I'm back. 4 weeks on the road with my new job and I'm finally home where all of those glorious procrastinated projects have been patiently waiting.

I was successful in making my pilgrimage to Ikea to purchase those Billy Bookcases over the past few weeks at which point they made their home in the middle of my foyer. After flying home last night and stumbling over them on my way to bed I made up my mind to tackle that project first thing this morning. 

Theses bookcases 'organized storage facilities' are desperately needed at this point being that the beautiful dining room that was on its way to being my decorators paradise was so abruptly uprooted and turned into a home office no so long ago. The boxes of supplies, books and computer equipment were overcoming the room and the walls were slowly closing in.

First thing this morning hubby and I started this task. All 3 of the little ones scrambling just under our feet as usual. Taking turns changing multiple diapers, two total baby bladder unloads all over the bookcases & floor, breaking up a few disagreements, feeding breakfast and snacks we were a determined pair. The cases went together like a dream and once assembled were ready to be tethered to the wall. With little ones running around there is bound to come a time where they decide to make their trek up those shelves to see just how high they can climb so you can never be too careful. The task of tethering to the wall around here always results in more holes than necessary and let today be no different. Two tethers resulted in 5 holes in our meager attempts to locate a stud. Stud finder be damned! We've got 3 different variations, none of which have ever perfected the art of actually locating a stud. Cases assembled and tethered....let the load down begin! Haven't decided yet what the look will be since today was just a rush to get them assembled and in place before the moldings are measured and cut.

You're seeing a rough draft here..the final version is yet to come. Sorry for the quality of the photo. I took beautiful clear photos with my camera but the USB cord is hidden somewhere in the mess of cords I've tried to corral into one spot. This poor dining room/office has seen better days. I'm grounded for a few weeks and with a little TLC hope to turn this into the office/dining room of my dreams. Wow have I got my work cut out for me!

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